
The pro-Jewish bias

This subject is so sensitive in the U.S., it should be studied by an international organization whose reputation is beyond question. The study should look first at the international mainstream media. When it comes to the U.S. mainstream media, it should briefly state past and present biases and flaws: yellow journalism, the eastern seaboard bias, big city bias, racial bias, liberal bias, anti-business bias, the uneven reporting on the wealthy or powerful, and the shortsightedness. This would make it easier to point out the pro-Jewish bias which is: – The Jews have been persecuted and expelled from many countries. – Their suffering has been more important than that of others. – The Holocaust was one of the most important events in history. – We can never hear enough about the six million Jews killed during it. Those killed in the holocaust who were not jews don’t warrant much coverage. – Jews deserve more attention, homage, pity, and reparations than other groups. – The world revolves around Israel. – Disagreement with these is anti-Semitic, which is unthinkable for reasonable people.

– How many of the largest advertising agencies [which influence the media] are under Jewish ownership or direction? – Which influential parts of the mainstream media are owned, managed and/or edited by Jews? – How much more general coverage do the Jews get than other groups? – How much more coverage does their suffering get? – What percent of coverage favors Israel over Arabs, over Muslims?

– Why do mainstream media organizations and think tanks fail to mention the bias? – How much more attention do politicians pay to the Jews than to other groups? – In what other fields is this true? [entertainment, academic, business …] – How much more government money go to Jewish projects and memorials than to those of other groups?

– What other groups escaped the Nazis in WWII? – How much attention have they gotten in comparison? – Does the U.S. Justice Dept. mostly hunt the Nazi war criminals who killed Jews in WWII? What about other groups that were killed in that and other wars?

– Numerically, how does it compare to other tragedies? How many museums, memorials, etc. to the Jews are there in the U.S.? To other groups? – How many depts. of Holocaust studies are there on college campuses? How many for other groups? – How often have Jews demanded reparations for their suffering? How often have other groups? – What reparations have Jews gotten? What have others?

– Are Israeli spies in the U.S. treated more leniently than other spies? – Are there counterparts to Israel’s lobby? – How effective are they, considering the great wealth of the Arabs? – Why did Israelis get $700/person, Egyptians $50/person and Africans $7/person in foreign aid in the 20th century? – How often has the U.S. protected Israel in the U.N.?

The Jews are talented and have contributed greatly – perhaps more proportionately than any other group, but the pro-Jewish bias has brought unimagined, preferential coverage and favoritism. This and the results need to be pointed out clearly and fairly and remedial action taken.

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