The jews with their great talent have contributed immensely through history – einstein, freud, milton friedman, jonas salk, kissinger, robert oppenheimer … . – and many of us have had jewish friends, roomates, acquaintances, biz dealings, associates, etc. with mostly good experiences. But somehow a number of jews have a tendency to take over as shown below. Pointing this out is not anti-semitic.
‘ – na’ means ‘not available’
/Throughout history how often were jews confined to ghettos?
/They were banished 47 times in 1000 years –
/ 109 Locations whence Jews have been expelled since AD250 –
Reprint of official United Nations report on 259 separate acts of terrorism and murder against Palestinians from November 6, 1944 through September 17, 1948. Suppressed for 49 years, this is the famous report compiled by Ralph Bunche. 8.5 X 11. $10.00. BR1101
– / 1948 israel was created and expelled 400k palestinians. jews were expelled from part of africa
/ for slave labor, nazis used jews. Anyone else?
/ some in west knew of killing of jews. And of others?
/ jews escaped from nazis. Did others?
Those that helped them escape were heroes. Did anyone help others?
/ A great number of programs on TV about world war two have some item about the jews.
/ we’ve heard a great deal about german concentration camps during wwii. Japan might have had as many.
/ japan treated their pow’s far worse than the germans did theirs. Little mention of this.
/ this must be the most threadbare, tiresome, exhausted subject in history. It’s as if wwii revolved around it.
/ the holocaust industry – by Norman finkelstein.
/ david duke, former KKK leader, said of the holocaust: ‘It bludgeons us. It would be a Herculean task to even count all the Holocaust-oriented television news stories and specials, the documentaries and “docudramas”, the books (both fiction and nonfiction), the magazine articles, movies and plays. Tales of Holocaust victims, relatives, survivors, war crimes, criminals, reparations, Holocaust-related art and literature, remembrances and memorials bombard us almost daily. A multimillion-dollar Holocaust museum stands in Washington, D.C. … financed in no small part by our tax dollars.’
/ Presidential commission on holocaust assets.
/ france made it a crime to deny the holocaust, yet expelled its gypsies in recent years. What greater double standard.
/ Germany paid Israel 450 million DM in Holocaust reparations, and paid 3 billion DM to the World Jewish Congress to compensate survivors in other countries. No reparations were paid to the Romanies who were killed during the Holocaust.[3] said wikiedia.
/ Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum
/ holocaust in curriculum eng: Teaching the Holocaust is mandatory in all secondary schools in … the uk and the u of kentucky removed it from their curriculums
1.United States – Holocaust Education Report › … › Holocaust Education Reports
Of these five, Florida and New Jersey have created extensive and detailed curricula and guides for the teaching of the Holocaust through their independent state …
/ International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust
/ pope pius blamed for not protesting enough the killing of the jews in the holocaust? What about the REST !! He’s catholic. Did he protest enough about the killing of Catholic laymen and priests?
/ 6 million jews died in it. They are in blue shades on the left. The rest are the others who died, but have gotten little attention. [The graph can be expanded.]
The Holocaust is portrayed as one of the worst events in history, yet it’s small compared to other tragedies:
/ holocaust denial is the worst. yet denial of the armenian genocide isn’t, nor is japan’s glossing over what it did in wwii.
/ how racist is it to constantly go over the jews killed in the holocaust and rarely mention the others killed – slavs, gypies, clergy, gays, the handicapped, jehovah’s witnesses, and others?
/ holocaust denial is the worst. yet denial of the armenian genocide isn’t, nor is japan’s glossing over what it did in wwii.
/how racist is it to constantly go over the jews killed in the holocaust and rarely mention the others killed – slavs, gypies, clergy, gays, the handicapped, jehovah’s witnesses, and others?
/ how many holocaust memorials are there to jews? To other victims of the holocaust and other tragedies.
/ pursuing war criminals and compensation usually means those who hurt the jews.
/ nazis took jewish art, gold, jewelry, unpaid insurance policies and property. What about those of non-jews?
/ we hear a lot about klaus barbi, joseph mengale, raul wallenberg, ann frank, adolf eichman, shindler’s list, etc.
/ our justice dept has nazi hunters – concerned only with those who hurt jews?
/ What happened to the WWII gold of the Asian nations pillaged by the Japanese army …..
/ U.N. honors WWII diplomats who helped Jews escape Nazis | j. the ……/u-n-honors-wwii-diplomats-who-helped-jews-e…Cached – Similar
/ our support of israel during one war brought an oil embargo which greatly hurt the 3rd world.
/ Israel invaded Lebanon in ’82.
/ lebanon’s suffering ignored
/Vatican condemns Israel for attacks on Lebanon
/ A Preventable Massacre By SETH ANZISKA In 1982, the United States failed to exert strong diplomatic pressure on Israel that could have ended a massacre of Palestinians in Lebanon.
/ the oil spill they caused devastated 1/3rd of leb’s coastline. Almost no mention of it. If it had happened to Israel we never hear the end of it.
/ I believe when they invaded the went around the u.n. peacekeepers. They invaded twice.
/ when did they annex the Golan Heights?
/U.N. and Red Cross Add to Outcry on Gaza War By ETHAN BRONNER The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire and the Red Cross accused Israel of blocking assistance to the injured.
David Duke, former leader of the klu klux klan, wrote:
/ Jewish control of America’s three major television networks, NBC, CBS, and ABC
/ jews ‘control’ time, newsweek, us news, ny times, w post, w st j.
/ the leading newspaper in America, The New York Times, was Jewish-owned and edited. So was the newspaper that has more influence on the federal government than any other, The Washington Post. Jews also owned the largest circulation daily paper in America, The Wall Street J
/ More than likely, the national cable or regular TV network you watch will be Jewish-owned, and if not, Jews will be preponderant in the executive and decision-making departments.
/ no group is more ethnocentric and more organized for their perceived interests than are Jews.
/ many of the largest advertising agencies, both local and national, were under Jewish ownership and direction. These agencies could steer advertising to whatever newspaper or media outlet they desired.
/ 3 of the largest book publishers are owned or controlled by jews: random hse, crown pub, simon and shuster,
/ Professors Walt and Mearsheimer made the claim that the New York Times and Washington Post are unduly influenced by today’s powerful Israel lobby.
/ Mar 23, 2006 – Where Israel is concerned potential critics fall silent. … Thanks in part to the influence Jewish voters have on presidential elections, the …. The Israeli side also dominates the think tanks which play an important role …
jewish influence in hollywood
jewish influence in media
jewish influence on christianity
jewish influence in american government
jewish influence in communism
jewish influence on western culture
/jewish influence on the world
jewish influence in american politics
/understanding jewish influence
/ colin powell said the JINSA [jewish institute for national security] crowd controls the pentagon.
/jewish cabal in bureau of labor statistics and the irs said Nixon
/ Pat Buchanan called the US Congress “Israeli occupied territory”
/ Odd that mainstream media organizations, which are so dedicated, almost never mention the pro-jewish bias.One that does is
/How Israel buys loyalty of US university administrators
jewish studies
jewish studies online
jewish studies rutgers
jewish studies upenn
jewish studies vanderbilt
jewish studies uf
jewish studies programs
jewish studies tulane
/ I went to 6 colleges in the early 60s. Not one thing was said by any prof or book for or against the jews nor
any ethnic group; there may not have been ethnic studies then.
/aipac -/ –
/ Israel lobby in the United States
/ Israel lobby in the United Kingdom
/ jewish lobby –
/ unknown source:
‘the Lobby’ – the loose coalition of individuals and organizations”
The core is American Jews
The Lobby includes evangelicals, & neoconservative gentiles.
it has a commanding presence in important think tanks
Many in the Lobby are hardliners who generally support the expansionist policies
AIPAC forms the core of the Lobby. It has a stranglehold on the U.S. Congress.”
/ Apparently Obama is the first president to stand up to Israel since Eisenhower.
/ hollywood’s bias –
/ the bias –
/ ihr – How the Jewish-Zionist Grip on American Film and Television Promotes Bias Against Arabs and Muslims
/ the bias – : Journalists described as pro-Israel by Mearsheimer and Walt include: the New York Times’ William Safire, A.M. Rosenthal, David Brooks, and Thomas Friedman (although they say that the latter is sometimes critical of areas of Israel policy); the Washington Post’s Jim Hoagland, Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer and George Will [37] ; and the Los Angeles Times’ Max Boot, and .
/ the bias:
/ The Jews were persecuted for 2000 years and expelled from various countries. This is well documented but the reasons are rarely given.
/ Jewish suffering is far more important than that of others.
/ Because of this they deserve more pity, reparations, homage, and coverage than other groups.
/ Disagreement with these is anti-Semitic, which is a grave sin.
/Journalists kowtow to Israel fearing accusations of anti-Semitism, says Robert Fisk
Apr 17 2001, From The Independent Council for the National Interest (CNI) –
/ ‘apologized to jews’ –
/ those who paid for making comments jews didn’t like: Jessie Jackson, Galliano, mel Gibson, Oliver stone.
/ fashion designer galliano made 2 anti-semitic insults in a bar. It was taped. It cost him his job at christian dior. He was fined but not required to pay it, and left with criminal records. He escaped a possible prison sentence.. had to pay $23k in legal fees to complainants.
/ kurt waldheim – was secretary general of the united nations, one of the highest positions in the world. Later the jews found out he had something of a nazi past and raked him over the coals mercilessly.
/ hollywood blacklisted vanessa redgraves for her views on zionism.
/ our heritage is mostly english. We don’t worship england. Why do we worship israel?
/ why is judiasm called one of the world’s major religions when it’s one of the smallest – 0.22% in blue at the middle left. [graph should expand]
/our media features jewish history, culture, values, food, holidays, homeland, talent, enemies, borders, shrines, allies, military, economy, deaths, funerals, introspection, humor, customs, language, fundraising, immigration, antiquities, peace, war, terror, spying, discrimination, prejudice, bias, racism, hatred, brilliance, indignation, heroics, genocide, persecution, heritage, reparations, and of course, suffering.
We hear about german jews, italian jews, russian jews, polish jews, even the jews of Barstow, calif. – seemingly any group of jews that exists in any corner of the world.
/ a section in the l.a. times once had 5 pages on the u.s. military and one page on israel’s military.
/ german $ to goes to Israel. to other countries?
/several of the pbs stations in the l.a. area probably get a lot of jewish money and thus feature many programs on them. That’s understandable. But the other channels and rest of the media does the same – far more coverage of jewish affairs than of other groups.
/ – US vetoes UN resolution on Mideast – Jul 13, 2006 The United States on Thursday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding Israel halt its attacks in Gaza.
/US Vetoes UN Resolution to Condemn Israel for …
US Vetoes UN Resolution to Condemn Israel for Invasion, The United States … about the disproportionate use of force by Israel in Lebanon in response to …,2933,203307,00.html – 36k – Cached – Similar pages
/ 7/l9/06 Congress Is Giving Israel Vote of Confidence Both Parties Back, Ally, Court Jewish Support (The Washington Post)
/ The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer and Walt. An abridged version of the Mearsheimer-Walt paper was published by the London Review of Books and is available online at .
/ One year U.S. foreign aid averaged $700 per Israeli, $50/ Egyptian, and $2/African.
/ george ball, Under Secretary of State in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, said sometimes votes go thru congress involving billions for Israel without a single debate. Couldn’t spend that much on u.s. programs without debate. –
/ one of the add-ons to internet explorer 8 was `Listen to more than 70 online radio stations streaming from Israel.’
/ how much gov $ goes to holocaust studies, memorials etc.
/ Beginning in 1993, the Oslo agreements promised gradual withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 3 weeks after the oslo accords, Israel began west bank settlements
/Tax-Exempt Funds Aid Settlements in West Bank By JIM RUTENBERG, MIKE McINTIRE and ETHAN BRONNER As the United States seeks to end a four-decade Jewish settlement enterprise, the American Treasury helps sustain the settlements through tax breaks on donations to support them.
/Ban Ki-Moon: Israel Must Stop Building On Occupied Land RAMALLAH, West Bank — Visiting U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said Saturday that Israeli settlement building anywhere on occupied land is illegal and must be stopped,…
/Catholic Bishops Demand Israel End Occupation Of Palestinian Land…/vatican-meeting-demands-i_n_772913….
Oct 23, 2010 – In a final joint communique, the bishops also told Israel it shouldn’t use the Bible to justify “injustices” against the Palestinians. The bishops … over l30 countries in un voted for Palestinian non-member observer state. 138 to 9 and 4l abstained. 11/0l2
Israel Pushes Housing After U.N. Vote
Israel approved the construction of 3,000 new housing units in West Bank settlements one day after the United Nations recognized the Palestinian territories as a nonmember observer state.
/ 5 European Nations Summon Envoys of Israel By ISABEL KERSHNER The unusually sharp diplomatic step by Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark reflected the growing frustration abroad with Israel’s plans for settlement construction.
/ jewish power –
/ jewish power –
/ & – na now. WHY?
/google banned from carrying anti-sem… sites – – na
/ Anti-Semitic site drops off Google | CNET
Anti-Semitic site drops off Google | An anti-Semitic Web site that inspired … The only sites we omit are
those we are legally compelled to remove or those …
More pages from – na
/Should Google Censor Sites? Google is under fire for refusing to remove an anti-Semetic site from its search
results. The site, which ranks #1 for the search term “Jew” features anti-Semetic information and links to a
variety of hate groups. Google has refused to…
/google resisted china, but not the jews
/highly complex bit on google and anti-semitic …. –
/ Google received over 1,000 requests from governments around the world in the second half to take down items such as YouTube videos and search listings, and it complied more than half the time, the company reported.
/ Directory of Anti-Semitic Blogs – – na
/Anti-Semitic Info serves as a resource to all users interested in monitoring anti-semitic websites and info
across the Internet. – 10k – Cached – Similar pages
/5/03 – at Yahoo – Google Quietly Blocks Controversial Sites – na
Google Quietly Blocks Controversial Sites Some of the search engine’s international sites no longer link to pro-Nazi or anti-Semitic sites, researchers find. … article/0,aid,106283,00.asp – 17k – Cached – Similar pages
/Hi-Tech News :: Google Quietly Blocks Controversial Sites – Some … – na – 24k – Cached – Similar pages
/Facebook is currently l2/1/l3 blocking a lot of our [cni’s] posts for an unknown reason. While we sort this out please follow us on Google+ [which brot little or nothing] or Twitter!/fixMidEpolicy – na
/do facebookand twitter block anti-semitic matter or anti any other ethnic group?
/ former president of boston university, john silber, accused jews of ‘phenomenal racism’
/ kicking arabs out of palestine was ethnic cleansing. tv 93, said noam chomsky.
/ brando said hollywood has portrayed the nigger, the greaseball, chink, sliteyed dangerous jap, wily filipino, but never the kike.
/sobran on the jews –
/ mahathir mohamad, prime minister of Malaysia – “[Jews] have now gained control of the most powerful countries … –
/ walt disney anti-semitic statements
/ truman, who helped Israel come into existence: “The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgement on world affairs…The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as Displaced Persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog.” — Harry S. Truman 1947 Diary
/ truman’s comments – w post
/ Nixon believed there was “total Jewish domination of the media”
/ billy graham told Nixon in private the jews had a ‘stranglehold’ on the media. He later said he didn’t remember the conversation.
/ American Mercury was said to be anti-semitic
/they dare to speak out ………….,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=637a3fd1bdff235d&biw=1280&bih=612 Author paul findley said it was a sad day when his staff said, at end of working on his book, they didn’t want their names used.
Silent No More Paul Findley
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Forei… Stephen Walt
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid Jimmy Carter
Image and Reality of the Israel… Norman Finkelstein
The Fateful Triangle Noam Chomsky
/many in the media must secretly know they have to go along with giving jewish affairs preferential coverage – front page, page 3, featuring them on sundays, often the first item in a collection of short items, the incredible number of articles about jews or with jewish themes, the holocaust from every possible angle ….
/ It seems that there are probably jews all along the way in getting your documentary or whatever accepted and promoted. Thus having any mention of jews or a jewish theme doesn’t hurt.
/ – end military aid to Israel
/ Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
/ – looks good
/’s+son – important
/ – important
/ Cni – Cached
CNI’s founders included Paul Findley and Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey (both former U.S. congressmen), Andrew Killgore (former U.S. ambassador to Qatar), …
CNI enumerates its organizational goals as follows:
Unknown source
/bds –,_Divestment_and_Sanctions
/ Boycott Israeli Products Campaign
/ General Synod of the United Church of Christ will meet. On the agenda are two resolutions calling on the UCC to either study the issue of divestment of resources from companies that profit from the occupation of Palestine or to actually begin such a divestment program immediately (click here and here for background).
/Boycotts of Israel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cached Similar Boycotts of Israel are economic and political cultural campaigns or actions that seek a selective or total cutting of ties with the State of Israel, Israelis or Israeli …
1.Israeli leaders cry foul over Kerry’s boycott warning – Washington Post…/israeli…boycott…/fcf…The Washington Post Loading…1 day ago – JERUSALEM — A chorus of Israeli politicians warned Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Sunday that they would not be bullied into a peace …
/ The B.D.S. Threat – 2/l4 inyt
2005.11.28: Divest from Israel To maximize the effect of the Green Party’s support for divestment and boycott of Israel:. 2. The party calls on all civil society institutions and … – 11k – Cached – Similar pages
/ Reform the u.n. to make it a democracy. As it is, Israel gets its way far more than it should as it has such influence over the u.s. which has veto power.
/ we need an international law barring google and others from blocking unfavorable sites. Why can’t we see them if we see sites of terrorists?
/ cut government funding to jewish museums, studies, etc. until other groups have gotten as much as they have.
print this